Created by Scientists

Actioned by you

At Nell, science is at the heart of what we do.

Nell's Science Standard

Always the latest evidence

Our science team constantly evaluate scientific evidence against a number of criteria including bias, sample size & rationale of the study. Literature must meet all our criteria to be included in any of our genetic products.

If you would like to know more about this process, please contact Nell at

High data protection standard

We take data security very seriously and have protocols in place to protect our customers' data.

Please read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for more information.

Advice translated by experts

All our advice comes from our science team of qualified nutritionists, doctors and geneticists.

We are constantly evolving our advice areas and advisory board to bring together a diversity of expertise.

We carefully choose our data

Nell's partners only sequence a very small number of selected genes instead of your whole genome.

The genes sequenced are carefully chosen and are associated with specific actionable health areas, meaning all the data we have is visible on your report.

Our laboratories are world-class

We partner with the highest accredited laboratories to analyse our genetic and blood samples.

Nell’s expertise is in the analysis and personalised recommendations of your data.

Realistic and honest claims

Nell always make it clear that DNA is only part of the story. Non-genetic factors, such as environment and lifestyle, are also important in determining your health and characteristics. Because of this, we avoid using absolute terms and, instead, we explain your results in the context of possibilities, probabilities and relative risk.

Genetics & Nutrition

The science of Nutrigenetics looks at the link between genetics and nutrition.

Genetic variations influence a variety of aspects of our body’s nutrition – everything from an individual’s ability to absorb Vitamin D to our risk of being gluten intolerant. Even your taste buds, such as a ‘sweet tooth’, are impacted by genetic variations. Other traits, such as your body’s ability to process different fats and omegas can have a big impact on the ideal diet for your body.

Although the terms are often used interchangeably, Nell’s partners use genotyping, not sequencing to analyse your DNA. Genotyping determines genetic variants that an individual has whilst sequencing looks at the exact sequence of the DNA. Technology has not yet progressed to the point where it is feasible to sequence an entire person’s genome quickly and cheaply.

Genetics & Nutrition